The Challenge

Chef Michel Bru will prove you by himself how the “Slim Program” works. Himself, he promises to lose 25kg in 3 months. The programs works and he will prove it ! Everyday, he will state the progress of his own diet, thanks to the “Slim” Program. If a chef can do it, you can also do it !

If you also want to lose weigh, subscribe to our “Slim Program” !

23.09.2019 15mn 1200 79.2
24.09.2019 15mn 1400 78.7 (-0.5)
25.09.2019 15mn 1200 77.9 (-0.8)
26.09.2019 15mn 1350 77 (-0.9)
27.09.2019 15mn 1200 76.5 (-0.5)
28.09.2019 15mn 2200 76.4 (-0.1)
29.09.2019 15mn 1200 75.9 (-0.5)
30.09.2019 15mn 1200 75.5 (0.4)
01.10.2019 15mn 3000 75.3 (0.2)
02.10.2019 15mn 1200 75.2 (0.1)
03.10.2019 15mn 1200 75.1 (0.1)
04.10.2019 15mn 1200 74.9 (0.2)
05.10.2019 15mn 1200 74.6 (-0.3)
06.10.2019 15mn 1200 74.4 (-0.2)
07.10.2019 15mn 1200 74 (-0.4)
08.10.2019 15mn 2200 73.9 (-0.1)
09.10.2019 15mn 1200 73.5 (-0.4)
10.10.2019 15mn 1200 73.2 (-0.3)
11.10.2019 15mn 4000 73 (-0.2)
12.10.2019 15mn 1000 73.4 (+0.4)
13.10.2019 15mn 900 73.2 (-0.2)
14.10.2019 15mn 1000 72.8 (-0.4)
15.10.2019 15mn 2000 72.4 (-0.4)
16.10.2019 15mn 1200 72.4
12.11.2019 15mn 1000 72 (-0.4)
13.11.2019 1500 71.8 (-0.2)
14.11.2019 71.5 (-0.3)