STEP 1 – Ingredients & Nutritions database
More than 265 ingredients
Available macros : Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Sodium, Sugar, Calcium .
All chinese names available

STEP 2 – Our recipes
576 recipes (As 2024.10.10)
Available diets (Keto, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Fitness, Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian ...)
All ingredients listed, with individual weights, individual macros calculation.

STEP 3 – Kitchen cooking
We cook exactly the weight calculated, from the clients orders
We cook special diets separately
Total weight to be cooked is calculated from quantity of orders, and weight from recipes.

STEP 4 – Vacuum bags & Labelling
Food is individually weight with a scale
Exact weight is added on a Production staff document, that automatically update recipes macros.
Food is packed individually in vacuum bags, for long preservation
Labelling on each bag with all macro-nutritient information

What do our dietitian ?
Keep the databases updated
Review of diet information
Review of School catering menus
Build the company nutritional policy
Advice the chef in making healthy menus