Challenge Get fit with MichelBru

Chef Michel Bru has decided to show you, by himself, why our diet offer is the best one on the Taiwan market if you want to lose weight quickly, safely, and want to relearn eating properly.

Challenge "Get fit with Michel Bru" 1

To lose weight, and getting fit, Michel Bru has decided to follow the following principles :

  • Hypocalorique diet, according to nutritional needs. (calories, proteins, fat, sodium
  • Weekly sport (3 times a week)
  • 1 “no-limit day” where he eats just whatever he wants, without limit.

Contact us for more information

Challenge "Get fit with Michel Bru" 2

Day by day | Follow up of objectives

92KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.08
91KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.12
90KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.15
89KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.17
88KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.23
87KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.03.28
86KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.04.03
85KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.04.10
84KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.04.14
83KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.04.20
82KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.05.02
81KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.05.15
80KG - ACHIEVED - 2023.05.26
79KG -
78KG -
77KG -
76KG -
75KG -
74KG -
73KG -
72KG -
71KG -
70KG -
69KG -
68KG -
67KG -
66KG -
65KG -
64KG -
63KG -

Contact us