Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Taiwan (CCIFT)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Taiwan (CCIFT) is a non-profit organization currently gathering more than 180 company members and which specializes in business support to SMEs. The CCIFT membership is open to any international-minded company wishing to be part of our worldwide network (CCI France International), which includes 115 Chambers in 85 countries.

Benefits to the members of the CCIFT :

  • 10% off from our all of our Weekly Boxes (Basic & Premium Boxes). Unlimited orders are possible

Conditions :

  • Being an active member of the CCIFT, or an employee. An employee of a company member of the CCIFT is entitled to the benefits of our partnership.
  • Contact our company before placing an order. Before placing your first order, we will need to check your situation in regards to the CCIFT.
Partners & Affiliating programs with 米榭爾布盧 MichelBru 1


Description of our company

Chinese description :

在 “米榭爾 布盧” 這個專業的團隊裡,我們的主廚提供了,手工自製的美味餐點,並規劃了精緻的每週餐盒,我們僅用最好的食材,如:美國牛肉,進口挪威鮭魚,台灣鴨,台灣豬肉,台灣雞肉,進口義大利橄欖油,進口法國奶油 … 等。
為了我們的貴賓,我們精心安排了每週餐盒,這比 Uber Eats 或 Food Panda 更方便!每一週,您將會收到我們精心準備的餐盒,這餐盒裡,含有5 份餐點,餐盒裡涵蓋了您一周的味蕾需求。

English description :

At 米榭爾布盧 “Michel Bru” we offer Homemade Weekly Meals plans, with the best ingredients : US Beef, Norway Salmon, Taiwan Duck, Taiwan Pork, Taiwan Chicken, Italy Olive Oil, .French Butter etc
Our weekly plans are more convenient than Uber Eats or Food Panda ! Every week you will receive a box of 5 meals, to cover the needs of one week. If you opt-in for a recurring order, every week you will receive automatically your order, with every week different meals, and no need for you to place new orders. All is automatic. Delivery service across all Taiwan.

Our logos

Partners & Affiliating programs with 米榭爾布盧 MichelBru 17
Partners & Affiliating programs with 米榭爾布盧 MichelBru 18
Partners & Affiliating programs with 米榭爾布盧 MichelBru 19

Our contact details

email :
tel : 02-29210982
Line : @michelbru
FB :